Welcome to a day at North Glenora Playschool!
Play is universal. All children – from all cultures and all countries – play. Play is a child-directed, intrinsically motivated activity. Play is the process by which young children develop and grow. Within the classroom, our goal is to set up a play environment in which children can develop their self-concept with success through activities. Our open-ended activities and play centres are based on the interests we observe in the room and we explore them until the children show us they have moved on. Through play we will support your child’s physical, language, intellectual, social-emotional, and creative development.
8:45-9:15 Come on in!
Our doors open at 8:45 when we invite families to come in and help their child hang up items on their hook, put on their indoor shoes, and take them to the washroom if necessary. 9:00 is when class starts so we kindly ask you to stay until then. The children will be greeted by one of their teachers as well as their peers. Tables are set up with activities where children can socially engage in a calm and relaxed atmosphere to start their day. At 9:15 attendance is called and we start the transition to our time at the carpet.
9:15-9:30 Tell me something.
We believe that circle time should be based on the attention span and engagement of the children so the amount of time we spend in this activity fluctuates on a daily basis. We start with time for open discussions, where the children can tell us about anything they are excited about, how they are feeling, or ask questions. We then move on to singing, dancing, or sharing a book (sometimes all 3!). Learning concepts are explored based on the interests of the children and developmental level of the group.
9:30-10:30 Time to play!
As this is a learning through play program, this is where most of the serious work of playschool is done! During this time, children are free to roam the room as they choose and small groups use our gym space for larger gross motor activities. Art, dramatic play, building materials, and sensory activities are just a few of the things the children are able to explore daily.
10:30-10:45 Show and Share
During this time of the day, children are invited to come up to the front of the class to talk about an item they brought from home. We do not keep a show and share schedule, as we believe that it is best to share something when you are most inspired by it. A stick found on the way to playschool, a special item received as a gift, or a creation made – these demand to be shared right away! We watch children gain confidence in front of their peers as the year progresses. This is another example of where we are flexible with time and account for it in our day. Often a story is read as well.
10:45-11:10 Let’s eat!
Meal time is sacred; it is universal joy to sit with others to eat and chat. Children are called to wash their hands and a teacher will be there to assist them if needed. They then go to the hallway to get their snack, where another teacher is present to help. As children finish eating, they put away their snack items, wash their hands once more, and make their way to the carpet where they will find a wide selection of books to peruse. This works as a calm transition time while others are finishing their snack. If children require more time to eat, we try our very best to accommodate them.
11:10-11:30 It’s time to say good-bye … and get outside!
We typically dismiss from the playground, so we begin this routine early to allow for time to get dressed in weather-appropriate clothing. The children place their indoor shoes on a rack in the classroom and we make our way to the hallway to get ready. This is an essential component of the day as it supports the development of important self-help skills they will need for kindergarten. We always encourage children to try first with all footwear and clothing, but teachers are close by should they need any help.
Once at the park, children are instructed to stay in the playground at all times until their pick-up person arrives. For safety, we ask families to come speak directly with one of the teachers before removing their child from the playground. This is also an opportunity for us to connect with families and share how their child’s day went. We consider ourselves a playschool family and we always look forward to chatting with families at the end of a busy playschool day.
* Please note that when working with young children things may not always work out at the exact time or in the exact way as planned. The times shown are a guide only and they may be modified on a regular basis in adjustment to class mood, childrens’ interests, or special activities planned. If you have any questions or concerns with the daily schedule, please do not hesitate to ask the teacher.